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About me


As a daughter of hardworking parents who sacrificed to provide opportunities, I understand the value of community and the importance of safety and security. With a background in Criminology and International Relations, along with experience in both the public and private sectors, I would hope to bring a unique perspective to the role of Police Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire.


Having engaged with residents across Derby and Derbyshire, I am aware of the concerns for the future. I firmly believe that everyone should have the chance to build a better life for themselves and their families while feeling safe in their communities. My passion lies in ensuring that individuals are protected from harm and have the necessary support when they need it. I am dedicated to creating positive and transformative changes in our area.


Collaboration is key to achieving our goals. By working together with residents, the police force, partnership organisations, political and community leaders, we can build a safer and stronger community. My hope is that through a strategic, fair and holistic approach, we can reduce crime and antisocial behaviour, promote preventative initiatives, and provide support to victims and those impacted by crime.

Our region has often been overlooked, and many communities and public services have suffered from being underfunded or cut completely. I am committed to addressing the devastating impact of inequality, lack of investment and the cost of living crisis in Derbyshire. By actively engaging with the community, I will ensure that your voices are heard and work towards delivering the positive changes to our communities we all deserve.


As Labour's prospective Police and Crime Commissioner candidate for Derbyshire, I am dedicated to driving innovative and progressive policies that will transform lives and protect families. Challenges may vary, but I am confident that we can address the needs and aspirations of all areas of Derbyshire, taking a strategic approach to community safety and policing.


Together, we can create a safer, fairer, and more inclusive future for Derbyshire. For more information about the role of a Police and Crime Commissioner please visit HERE.

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